Monday 23 December 2019

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Saturday 14 December 2019

Malaysia online casino | 4 Baccarat Trends for Online & Live Baccarat | regal

4 Baccarat Trends for Online & Live Baccarat

Regular players will identify with that exciting buzz we feel when joining a live Baccarat table. We look at the dealer and think about a winning method we could put into action.
We’re aware not every single outcome we bet on can win thus we instinctively know we need to use a Baccarat strategy that’ll give us the best possible chance of trying to win more than we stand to lose.
The art of winning the game of Baccarat boils down to getting our betting decisions in harmony with the flow of the type of ‘shoe trend’ that’s developing.
We must first become familiar with the four key shoe trends. Then decide when to implement any one of the two most profitable shoe trends from the four. Finally, we must begin the betting process. Executed correctly, achieving steady Baccarat success becomes more attainable.
Reading a Baccarat shoe at an early stage, to determine the likelihood of its trend type will give you a winning advantage. Predicting a dominate shoe trend is relatively easy as I’ll explain. However, you’re only ever predicting how a shoe might end up overall based upon previous outcomes as a shoe develops.
In a live, fast-paced Baccarat game, a forming pattern can give you an idea of the likelihood of whether a shoe is strong Zigzag streak, strong Banker and/or Player streaks or one of the other two trend types. Although microanalysis can be misleading, don’t allow uncertainly to put you off. 
Here are the most common types of shoe trends as seen on the main road or big road scoreboards. I prefer viewing this layout because outcomes are displayed in a logical format which makes it easy to recognise patterns forming into trends.


In the following shoe trend example, what I call, the ‘ZIGZAGY Zone,’ note that the outcomes are predominantly zigzagged. Zigzags are chops or changes between Bankers and Players. The zigzag zone is made up of first and second line outcomes.

These outcomes only occasionally breakout of the zigzag zone thereby forming Banker or Player streaks. But these do not continue and so the zigzag zone dominates.


In the next, B/P STREAKY shoe trend example, the outcomes are predominantly streaks of Bankers and Players. In my opinion, streaks truly begin from the third line onwards. You can see that although the first and second lines display outcomes, this is generally a brief occurrence since there is a strong presence of streaky Bankers and Players vertically; back to back. 
This means that the first and second lines are only being filled on the scoreboard as transition outcomes i.e. from Banker to Player streaks and vice versa. Only occasionally does the pattern of this shoe show a short zigzag zone streak without Player or Banker streak breakouts occurring. Thus, in my opinion these mini zigzag zone breakouts are short-lived blips that can be ignored because Streaky Players and Bankers are dominant.  
I’ve explained how to identify two of the most important Baccarat shoe trends, but it’s equally important to bear in mind you’ll not always be able to predict what trend a shoe might end up being regarded as
It’s this uncertainty that’ll impact upon your betting decisions. The formations of shoe outcomes can completely switch from being ZIGZAGY pattern strong at one stage of a shoe to being Banker and Player STREAKY pattern strong at another stage. 


When you experience, what I call, the TREND SWITCH TREATMENT, this is an attack on the conclusion you would’ve formed out of your analysis. But you should understand that part of gaining chips when betting in Baccarat involves taking the rough with the smooth. You can’t always get it right. 
Money management will assist you in withstanding the uncertainty the game brings thereby protecting your bankroll. Or you may decide to change Baccarat tables in hope of identifying a trend that might remain favourable long enough for your winnings to increase, especially if you up your wagers during such fruitful periods.
The following shoe trend example is what a typical trend switch treatment shoe looks like: 


The final shoe type I’d like you to look at is, what I call, the HOVERING STATE. As you can see, the outcomes that have formed indicate the shoe pattern cannot make up its mind therefore there’s no trend breakout. This type of hovering shoe doesn’t favour the dominance of zigzags or streaks of Bankers and/or Players. However, in and of itself it is nevertheless a trend. 
Though I believe it’s difficult to profit from this type of Baccarat shoe. The best form of defensive in protecting your bankroll, in my opinion, is to apply stop losses into your game. You could also sit it out and wait for a new shoe to begin or simply change Baccarat tables.


So, let’s recap. We’ve looked at the following four shoe types.
  1. The ZIGZAGY Zone
  2. The STREAKY Bankers and Players 
By logging into your Regal88 Casino account, you’ll be able to become familiar with these shoe types. Simply study some live Baccarat games in action. Moreover, you could also examine shoes that are almost complete. (before the data disappears) How many shoe types can you identify?
To increase your chances of winning you need to look for any one of the “first two Baccarat shoe types” so that you can follow those trends.
Before you start betting, you’ll want to be sure a trend has begun. Once you believe it has, simply place your bets by following the rules of the trend type you’ve identified.
For instance, if you’ve identified the shoe might end up being a Zigzag zone dominate trend then always bet ‘opposite’ or against the last outcome. So, if Player is the last outcome (and the pattern informs that the trend is still within the zigzag zone) then your next bet must be Banker. If you lose just continue betting opposite up to a stop loss of 2x and reassess. So, if you lose again - stop.
If you’ve identified the trend might end up being a streaky Banker and/or Player shoe, then always ‘bet on the last outcome’ reoccurring. So, if Player is the last outcome (and the pattern informs that the trend is still streaky Player/Banker) then your next bet must be Player.
If the next outcome happens to be a Banker, (a change occurred) resulting in a loss, you might want to double down betting the likelihood of a continuing streak. Therefore, you would bet Banker hoping that the streak continues, but now on Banker following the single transition from Player. 
Again, as in the zigzagy zone trend, if you lose twice this should be your trigger to stop betting. Then reassess.    
Consistent practice and the ability to identify the four main Baccarat trends should improve your game and this may reflect in the number of outcomes you’ll win as you become familiar with the best times to bet and what side to bet on.

Monday 2 December 2019


I see the thrilling Martingale strategy being used a lot in casinos, though undoubtably many Roulette players use when betting online too.

If you’ve ever used the Martingale strategy, you’ll know it involves doubling down on your wagers, chasing the excitement of trying to secure a one-unit profit. For example, bet RM10 and win, return is RM20 thus the one unit is RM10. Lose RM10 and double down betting aOf course, many Roulette players continue to double down when losing.

The experience begins when Roulette players notice an opportunity to bet on an even money chance outcome that they hope will end a streak.

Of the three outside 1:1 options, Red/Black, Odd/Even, High/Low, most players tend to bet on the Red or Black options. I think it’s the visual attraction of seeing a streak of one colour that catches their attention as they get ready to implement a popular Roulette strategy, such as the Martingale.


Roulette players using the Martingale strategy lookout for a streak of at least six Reds or Blacks. However, a sense of urgency tends to begin when a run of ten consecutive same colour outcomes is seen. Players will then bet AGAINST that streak based on the theory, the longer the streak, the more likely the next outcome will be an opposite one that will end the streak. So, when they lose at their first attempt they continue to double down until they win or run out of money.

The more occasions you bet hoping for a streak to be broken using the Martingale strategy the more likely it is that you’ll encounter a streak long enough to wipe out your casino bankroll. If your first bet results in an outcome that ends a streak, then you’ll double your wager. If you lose and continue to double down trying up to six times, you’ll be entering the danger zone where the build-up of risk versus reward in my view just isn’t worth continuing.


1st bet 1 unit to win 1 (total outlay 1 unit)

2nd bet 2 units to win 1 (total outlay 3 units)

3rd bet 4 units to win 1 (total outlay 7 units)

4th bet 8 units to win 1 (total outlay 15 units)

5th bet 16 units to win 1 (total outlay 31 units)

6th bet 32 units to win 1 (total outlay 63 units)

The problem with most Roulette players who get into the Martingale bubble is they don’t want to stop. The adrenaline kicks in and the prevalent question in the minds of players asks, what if the next outcome happens to be the one that ends the streak? They don’t want to lose out on recovering their increasing outlay and the prize; that small one-unit profit. It’s a mixed emotion of excitement, fear and a drive to stay in the game, betting until the end, whether all is lost or little gained. Though of course a win feels big given that the true reward isn’t the one unit but the recovery of their total outlay.

Certainly, this isn’t my cup of tea of a Roulette system, but it got me wondering whether there’s a way of tweaking the Martingale so that the risk can be minimised and consequently the reward secured sooner? I believe I’ve developed a method that improves on the Martingale approach. I write approach because this really is the key to solving what I see as the Martingale problem.


Long streaks can lead to Roulette player’s bankrolls being wiped out. Even if they add more funds to top up their dwindling bankrolls the Martingale strategy can prove to be totally brutal and is the casinos best friend. Most players will either run out of money or in rare cases want to place a wagers that surpass the casino’s maximum betting limit.

It’s not uncommon for casinos to recoded streaks of 20x plus of the same colour occurring in a row. In 1943 a casino in America recorded Red occurring 32 times in a row. I once saw 25x Reds occur in a row on live online Roulette and I recall there had been a dealer change during that streak.

On the other hand, if you have deep pockets and can afford to take the chance to secure a one-unit win, over the long term you’re more likely to succeed given that most streaks don’t end up being long ones. However, there are two aspects to this assumption.

The first is that the shorter the streak (under six in a row) the more likely it is that the streak will end. And longer streaks (ten or more in a row) is a strong indication that the streak may prove to be a long one.

TIP #1

It thus follows that you should avoid betting when you see a long streak. Therefore, since shorter streaks are unlikely to form into a long streak you’ll win at more attempts when betting to see streaks end.

TIP #2

If you follow the advice in tip 1, it’s a good idea to have a stop loss just in case the streak does continue. If you make three attempts in a row, from say the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th stage of a streak and stop you’ll only be losing seven units. E.g. bet 1 lose, bet 2 lose, bet 4 lose: total wagered =7

It’s better to lose seven units than to -63 or more units should you continue to double down.

For example:

Let’s say you bet to see a streak end from a run of 3 in a row. You’d be trying three times starting from the 4th outcome. You place 1 unit (whatever amount that maybe for instance RM10), as your first bet for the 4th outcome following the run of 3 wins and if the streak ends, you would’ve gained your one unit win thereby recovering your RM10 plus winning RM10.

If you lose you’d place a RM20 bet prior to the 5th outcome. If you win you’ll be paid RM40 whereby deducting the RM30 that is your total outlay, you’d be winning RM10. If you lose you would try one more time, this time wagering RM40 and a win will pay RM80 of which RM70 was your total outlay thus you’d be winning RM10.

But if you lose RM70 and stop trying you’d only be 7 wins away from recovering your losses which is better than had you gone on trying and lost a lot more.


Earlier in this article I wrote that my method involves a different approach to the Martingale strategy. At whatever stage of a streak you begin to bet against it continuing you should be aware that the Martingale strategy in an of itself doesn’t suggest when or where you should bet. The assumption is that a Roulette player bets against a streak by doubling his or her wagers upon each loss. But when it doesn’t work out before you’ve run out of money or exceeded a casino’s maximum bet limit the key to winning remains in the decisions on what you bet on.

When a Roulette player sees a streak of Blacks, my tweak of the Martingale maintains the doubling down element, however if my first bet on Red results in a loss, I’m going to assume that the streak will continue therefore my next bet will be on Black. If my assumption is correct, I win upon my second attempt not to see the streak end but to, if you like hedge my bet just in case I’m wrong and it continues.

In the worst-case scenario where my 2nd bet fails, and the result is Red I’ve only lost three units having doubled down on my first wager. I believe I’m in a stronger position than the Roulette player who continues to bet against the streak by solely backing the other option.

My approach has more power when a possible streak lingers at the point of not knowing the next outcome. For me 3-in-a-row is the point at which streaks will either continue or not.

Either BBBR or BBBB clearly the former pattern ending in a R outcome has gone in the direction that ends the possibility of a streak forming, whereas the latter pattern has clearly favoured the formation of a streak.

If the streak continues as such BBBB assuming I lose upon the 4th Black outcome when betting on Red then my next bet will therefore be Black, and I’d win if the streak of Blacks continues BBB (this 4th outcome I bet Red but the outcome was B indicating the likelihood that the streak might continue) (this 5th outcome I bet Black and won) B.

I’m only going to lose, if and only if, the forming streak ends upon the 5th outcome like so BBBBR. But I’d rather lose twice which involves a single unit and a doubling of my unit (total three units lost) than continuing to double my wagers hoping that a streak ends by only betting on the opposite colour of it.


Using my tweak of the Martingale strategy sees a Roulette player betting only twice when trying to profit from a streak. This means you only stand to lose three units (1 and the double 2) therefore the risk it controlled.

In using my teak of the Martingale strategy, the possible outcomes are:

A win upon your first opposite bet.
BBB / you bet R if the result is R an opposite you win. If lost move on to the next bet.

A win upon your second same type bet. If you lose you stop betting.

BBB B / assuming you lost your first bet going opposite you now bet ‘same’ as the streak, so B. If you win there will be 5x BBB BB

If you lose both attempts, you’re only losing 3 units and if you win upon your first or second attempts, you’ll be gaining 1 unit. Thus, it’s a 1:1 bet on the first attempt and risking 3 in total (first bet 1 and second bet 2) to win 1 unit upon your second attempt. Bet 2, win 4, less your 3 outlay = 1 winning unit.

You have two chances to win versus both failing ending in a loss.

To break even you’d need to win three times for every -3 lost but let’s not forget you have two chances to achieve a win with your first bet being opposite should the streak end and your second bet being the same type as the streak, should the streak continue.

The next time you consider using the Martingale strategy, betting against a streak of the same colour shouting “Any Red number!” / “Any Black number!” in the hope of recovering your previous wagers, let alone the small profit you hope to gain, remind yourself of my approach to the Martingale strategy.

Sunday 17 November 2019

Slot Machine Money Management Tips


  • The basics of money management boil down to protecting your money, limiting your losses, making sure you keep some winnings, and limiting the number of chances the house edge has to work against you.
  • When you do that, you won't change the house edge or create extra winning spins, but you will make sure your bankroll stays a little fatter and isn't stretched beyond your limits.
Money management is not a magic spell that can turn you into a big winner on the slots
It can do nothing to change the odds of the games. You'll win sometimes and lose more often no matter how well you manage your money.
But sound money management techniques can help you to limit the losses in the bad times and to keep more of your winnings when the reels and bonuses are kind to you. 
That makes learning to manage your money an important skill for anyone who plays slot machines.
The techniques described here are not difficult. Many of them are merely common sense. But they can make a difference in the size of your bankroll.


Regardless of whether you're playing offline or online casino, give due thought to your stakes for the day.
If you take stock and decide you can afford to risk RM100 for the day, then limit your online buy-in to no more than RM100, or take no more than RM100 in gambling money to a brick-and-mortar casino.
Once you've set your bankroll for the day, don't exceed it. If you've bet your bankroll at RM100 and you lose it all, that's it. Don't tap on other funds. Walk away from the games for the day.
If you win or never reach the bottom of your bankroll and can extend your play, terrific. But part of smart money management is to never bet money you can't afford to lose. You want your gambling money to come from an entertainment budget, not from money needed to pay the rent, mortgage, grocery bills or any of the other necessities of life.


That could mean keeping money to play with and money for going out to lunch in separate compartments in your wallet, or it could mean gambling money in your left pocket and other money in your right.
Regardless of how you decide to separate your funds, don't let them mix. You've already set your playing bankroll, and your lunch money is not part of it. When it's time to go to lunch, you want your lunch money to be there.


That goes double for credit-card advances. Borrowed money is expensive money.
Most offline casinos have machines where you can use your credit cart to initiate a cash advance. You then go to the cashier's cage to sign paperwork and collect your money.
There is a transaction fee that depends on the amount you want to borrow. If, for example, the fee for a RM100 advance is RM10, it's like adding 10 percent to the house edge. To break even for the day, you'd have take that RM100 to the slots and cash out RM110.
That doesn't include the monthly interest your credit card company charges on cash advances. Those can exceed 20 percent, and can recur month after month unless you pay your bill in full.
Paying the fees and interest, then playing games on which the house has an edge, makes it all too likely that not only will you lose money, but you'll wind up farther behind than you intended when you set your bankroll.


Win goals and loss limits have been part of the slot player's toolkit for decades.
In their strictest form, the limits have you set both a floor and a ceiling. If you've set your bankroll for the day at RM100, then that is your loss limit. If you lose RM100 you stop and don't draw on other funds.
At the same time, you set a win goal. If you decide that for your RM100 bankroll, you'd consider it a great day if you could walk out ahead by half that amount, then your win goal would be RM50.
Any time you reach either your win goal or loss limit, you call it a day. In this example, if your gambling bankroll reaches RM150, meaning you're ahead by RM50, you stop there and lock up your winnings. If the bankroll reaches zero, of course, you've hit your loss limit and are done for the day.
Most players find a fixed win goal too limiting. 
What if you have a RM50 winner on your first play? That's easy enough to do with four of a kind on many 25-cent video poker machines, a big bonus round or a mid-level progressive jackpot on a low-limit video slot or a combination such as three triple bars or three 7s on a three-reel slot.
You're probably not going to want to leave after making one bet. You've logged onto the online casino or walked into an offline casino to have a good time, and you want to make it last.
A slot machine through player's eye
One way stay in action while still using solid money management is to let the win goals and loss limits float, with adjustments in both your floor and ceiling every time you reach a win goal.
With floating goals and limits, it's best to narrow your win goal to 20 percent of your loss limit instead of putting that 50 percent gain in your sights right away.
Let's say you have a RM100 loss limit and set your win goal for RM20. If you win RM20 to bring your bankroll to RM120, you've reached your win goal.
At that point, adjust both your win goal and loss limit by that RM20 win. You raise the win goal to RM40, but you also link it to your loss limit. The loss limit remains at RM100, but it's RM100 from a bankroll that now stands at RM120.
That means you're locking up RM20, there for you to take home even if your luck turns sour and you lose RM100 from that point.
By doing that, you assure yourself of walking away with at least part of your budget amount without hindering your flexibility to keep playing.
You do the same thing every time you reach a new win goal. In our example, you've won RM20, and the new win goal is RM40. If you reach RM40 in winnings, then you raise the win goal to RM60 and you also raise your floor. If you lose RM100 from your new total of RM140, then you walk away with RM40 in your pocket.
The idea is that any time you have a nice winning streak, you make sure you walk away with a little more of your money and don't give it all back to the casino. 
The precise amounts of your starting bankroll and the percentage you set as win goals are up to you. There are players who are more comfortable with 10 percent as a win goal; others like 25 or 30 percent.
The small amounts you lock up after reaching each win goal may not seem like much, but coming home with RM20 more than you'd budgeted as your floor on multiple casino trips adds up fast. It certainly beats losing early winnings back to the casino time after time.


Think of good-sized jackpots as something separate from win goals and loss limits. You want to make sure you bring a large share of the money home.
Don't repeat the sad tale of a video poker player who wrote that she draw a royal flush good for RM1,000 on a 25-cent machine. She decided to move up to a dollar machine to see if she could win really big. Instead, she lost it all and went home empty handed.
When you win a jackpot like that, it's OK to try higher denomination games to see if lightning can strike twice for an even bigger jackpot. But it's also important to set limits.
With a RM1,000 jackpot, immediately put at least RM500 of it away, not to be touched for the rest of your casino outing. 
It's your call as to what to do with the other RM500. If you want to try a more expensive game, good luck to you. If you want to set a higher loss limit while playing the same games, that works too. If you want to put an even bigger portion of it away, take your partner or friends out to a nice dinner, go to a play, add it to your children's' or grandchildren's' education fund or just put it in savings. more power to you.
With a really enormous, lifestyle-changing jackpot such as the multi-million-dollar payouts on Megabucks, give yourself a cooling-off period. If you want to gamble with an extra few thousand dollars, that's only natural. But leave almost the entire jackpot intact until you've had time to let the initial rush of excitement pass, talk things over with your family or financial adviser, and decide what you really want to do with the money.
The jackpot doesn't have to be anywhere near that large for taxes to come into play, and that brings special needs.
In the United States, for example, the Internal Revenue Service requires casinos to have players sign tax forms before the casino can pay any jackpot of RM1,200 or more. The casino usually does not withhold tax money -- it's up to you as a player to pay. Make sure you hold onto enough money to pay the taxes in addition to money you're keeping to bring home.


There are few worse feelings than running out of money on the first day of a casino trip -- and it's a feeling millions of players have had over the decades.
You don't want to pay credit card fees, and you don't want to just avoid the gaming floor either.
One way to make sure you're in action until the end is to divide your bankroll by the number of days for the trip.
If you bring RM1,500 to Las Vegas for a three-day trip, budget yourself at RM500 per day. 
Don't carry the money earmarked for the other two days. Put it in the room safe or some other safe place. Then if you hit your loss limit for Day One, you still have money for Days Two and Three separated.


The faster you play, the more chances the house edge has to work against you.
Don't be in a rush. Take time to walk around the casino and explore what it has to offer. On winning spins, take a few seconds to look at the winning paylines. Order bottles of water or other beverages -- it's good to stay hydrated -- and chat with the waitress. Take frequent breaks.
You don't have to just hit the button as soon as the reels stop over and over and over again. Take your time.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

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Monday 30 September 2019

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Monday 9 September 2019

Malaysia Online Casino Wish all member Happy Mid-Autumn.

Malaysia Online Casino Regal88 wish that your career and life, just like the round moon on Mid-Autumn Day, be bright and perfect.

Regal88 祝你的事业和生活像那中秋的圆月一样,亮亮堂堂,圆圆满满